Saturday, July 24, 2010

The First Day of My Life

I don't know exactly when I stumbled on this song, but it's my favorite right this minute.

I mean, here I am, abandoned in Saskatchewan, and now we're finally on the verge of SOMETHING NEW (yup, moving, woo)! There's a little bit of excitement happening, not gonna lie.

Of course it's taking longer than expected to ACTUALLY HAPPEN (chant: sell house, sell, sell, sell . . . ), but I have determined that this move is going to mean good things for us. And for me. Because starting today, I am on a mission. I am on a mission to WRITE AND SELL the book that I have outlined into next year. I've done my homework, read all the important books, like this:

and this:

And now I stop with the stalling. Every day I write 500 words. I can delete them later if they suck (lots of them will). And most days I won't make it to 3000, which would really be a better goal. But if I am a writer, and deep down I think I am, then it's time that I start putting the words on the page. In sentences and stuff.

And so this IS the first day of my new life. Starting . . . now.

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